Step Two in Alcoholics Anonymous
Came to believe that a Power greater than our- selves could restore us to sanity.
Step Two in Living Free
I now realize that my Creator, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, can restore me to wholeness in Christ.
If we look to God as our source in every area of our life and obey Him, He will then turn the circumstances of our life into success!
Isaiah 1:18-20
New Living Translation (NLT)
18 “Come now, let’s settle this,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool. 19 If you will only obey me, you will have plenty to eat. 20 But if you turn away and refuse to listen, you will be devoured by the sword of your enemies. I, the LORD, have spoken!”